_:genid1 . _:genid1 "" . _:genid2 . _:genid2 . _:genid2 "47.975864"^^ . _:genid2 "22.7541"^^ . _:genid2 "-74.013589"^^ . _:genid2 "-127.922278"^^ . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . "usgs-landcarbon-land-use" . "LandCarbon Conterminous United States Land-Use/Land-Cover Mosaics 1992-2050"^^ . _:genid1 . . "Source data for this variable were obtained from the USGS Land Cover Trends Project. Annual maps of LULC were extrapolated for baseline years (1992 to 2005) and modelled for future years (2006-2050) based on selected IPCC emissions scenarios. The spatial extent is the conterminous United States and the temporal extent is from 1992 through 2050. These data are projected to Albers Equal Area in the NAD83 datum at a resolution of 250 meters and are spatially gridded in GeoTiff format. LULC classes: Open Water, Urban/Developed, Mechanically Disturbed National Forest, Mechanically Disturbed Other Public Land, Mechanically Disturbed Private Land, Mining, Barren, Deciduous Forest, Evergreen Forest, Mixed Forest, Grassland, Shrubland, Cultivated Crop, Hay/Pasture, Herbaceous Wetland, Woody Wetland, Ice/Snow."^^ . _:genid2 . _:genid3 . . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . "4fd25c9f-a1a0-49a7-8968-0b811813caca" . . "landcarbon-conterminous-united-states-land-use-land-cover-mosaics-1992-2050" . .