--- access_dt: ~ aliases: - context: identifier lexicon: datagov term: b086804a-349b-43e8-9072-6e1ec7743211 url: ~ - context: dataset lexicon: datagov term: enviroatlas-hu12-polygon url: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ cited_by: [] contributors: - display_name: 'Data Archive : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ' href: id: 18187 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identifier: us-environmental-protection-agency name: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.epa.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/us-environmental-protection-agency person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: data_archive uri: /contributor/18187 data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set is a complete digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the entire United States. This data set consists of geo-referenced digital data and associated attributes created in accordance with the "Federal Guidelines, Requirements, and Procedures for the National Watershed Boundary Dataset; Chapter 3 of Section A, Federal Standards, Book 11, Collection and Delineation of Spatial Data; Techniques and Methods 11-A3" (04/01/2009). http://www.ncgc.nrcs.usda.gov/products/datasets/watershed/index.html . Polygons are attributed with hydrologic unit codes for 4th level sub-basins, 5th level watersheds, 6th level subwatersheds, name, size, downstream hydrologic unit, type of watershed, non-contributing areas and flow modification.' description_attribution: ~ display_name: 'EnviroAtlas - HU12_polygon' doi: ~ end_time: ~ files: [] href: identifier: usda-enviroatlas-hu12-polygon instrument_measurements: [] lat_max: 61.7110157 lat_min: 6.65223303 lon_max: -12.68151645 lon_min: -138.21454852 name: 'EnviroAtlas - HU12_polygon' native_id: ~ parents: [] processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ references: [] release_dt: ~ scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: ~ temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: dataset uri: /dataset/usda-enviroatlas-hu12-polygon url: http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~