dataset : Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009

National Snow & Ice Data Center


Ice Core Chemistry from the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica, IPY 2007-2009

This data set consists of sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations versus depth in seven ice cores that were obtained by the Norwegian-U.S. Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica during the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009. Additional glaciochemical analyses and a final depth-age scale will be added as these data become available. Data are available via FTP.

Identified by : NSIDC-0520

This dataset was released on August 08, 2012.

The time range for this dataset is October 19, 2007 to September 21, 2009.

The spatial range for this dataset is -82.8° to -73.7° latitude, and -54.9° to -1.6° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.7265/N5H41PC9
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