dataset : Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Monthly U.S. Selected Cities Precipitation Summary

National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center


Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Monthly U.S. Selected Cities Precipitation Summary

Monthly U.S. reported precipitation amounts in hundredths of inches (ex 100 is 1.00 inches) generated from the GTS metar(hourly) and synoptic(6-hourly)observations for selected cities based on the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin station list

The spatial range for this dataset is 19.0° to 71.5° latitude, and -170.0° to -65.0° longitude. map (center)

Also known as :
  • dataset climate-prediction-center-cpc-monthly-u-s-selected-cities-precipitation-summary (datagov lexicon)
  • identifier fea29f65-714c-46bf-88ad-62b80d6c11f2 (datagov lexicon)
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