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dataset : Tenuse Glider CTD data for the SPURS-1 N. Atlantic field campaign
Tenuse Glider CTD data for the SPURS-1 N. Atlantic field campaign
The SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) project is an oceanographic process study and associated field program that aim to elucidate key mechanisms responsible for near-surface salinity variations in the oceans. The project involves two field campaigns and a series of cruises in regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans exhibiting salinity extremes. SPURS employs a suite of state-of-the-art in-situ sampling technologies that, combined with remotely sensed salinity fields from the Aquarius/SAC-D and SMOS satellites, provide a detailed characterization of salinity structure over a continuum of spatio-temporal scales. The SPURS-1 campaign involved a series of 5 cruises during 2012 - 2013 seeking to characterize the salinity structure and balance in a high salinity, high evaporation, and low rainfall region of the subtropical North Atlantic. It aims to resolve processes responsible for maintaining the subtropical surface salinity maximum in this region and within a 900 x 800-mile square study area centered at 25N, 38W. The Tenuse (Slocum) glider is an autonomous undulating profiler measuring salinity and temperature. It was deployed from the Thalassa on 21-August and recovered by the Knorr on 4-October-2012. It made a total of about 1400 profiles during that period (1-2 profiles/hour), going from the surface to 200 m. Resulting trajectory profile data from the Tenuse glider include georeferenced CTD observations on salinity, temperature, pressure, and depth.
This dataset was released on April 06, 2015.
The time range for this dataset is August 21, 2012 to October 04, 2012 (23:45 PM).
The spatial range for this dataset is 24° to 27° latitude, and -39° to -35° longitude. map (center)
Also known as :
- datasetId PODAAC-SPUR1-GLID2 (podaac lexicon)
- dataset SPURS1_TENUSEGLIDER (podaac lexicon)
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