dataset : SeaWinds on QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 25 Km Swath Grid Version 2

NASA JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center


SeaWinds on QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 25 Km Swath Grid Version 2

This dataset has been superseded by Version 3: . This QuikSCAT Level 2B dataset contains the Version 2 science-quality ocean surface wind vector retrievals from the NASA SeaWinds scatterometer. The Version 2 L2B data continues to be openly distributed to allow sufficient time for community acceptance of the Version 3 dataset. The retrievals are provided on a non-uniform grid within the swath at 25 km pixel resolution. Each L2B file corresponds to a specific orbital revolution (rev) number, which begins at the southernmost point of the ascending orbit. An ASCII inline quality report (Q2B) has been generated for each L2B file; each Q2B file provides statistics of various quality elements pertaining to the processing of a specific L2B file. These wind vector retrievals have been processed using the QSCAT-1 geophysical model function. This is the official dataset produced by the QuikSCAT Project through the SeaWinds Processing and Analysis Center (SeaPAC). The SeaWinds instrument is a conical scanning pencil-beam radar, with dual-beam and dual-polarization capability, operating at Ku-band to provide all-weather ocean surface wind vector retrievals. This represents the 2nd version of the L2B processing. For more information on the QuikSCAT platform and mission, please visit .

Identified by : QSCAT_LEVEL_2B_V2

This dataset was released on January 21, 2011.

The time range for this dataset is July 19, 1999 (18:39 PM) to November 22, 2009 (00:01 AM).

The spatial range for this dataset is -90° to 90° latitude, and 0° to 360° longitude. map (center)

This dataset uses data from an instance of the seawinds instrument on the quick-scatterometer platform.

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