dataset : Jason-1 Altimeter Geophysical Data Record (GDR) NetCDF Ver C Geodetic

NASA JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center


Jason-1 Altimeter Geophysical Data Record (GDR) NetCDF Ver C Geodetic

The Jason-1 Geophysical Data Records (GDR) Geodetic Mission contain full accuracy altimeter data, with a high precision orbit, provided approximately 35 days after data collection. The data are sorted into cycles that are approximately 11 days long and contain 280 pass files. The instruments on Jason-1 make direct observations of the following quantities: altimeter range, significant wave height, ocean radar backscatter cross-section (a measure of wind speed), ionospheric electron content (derived by a simple formula), tropospheric water content, mean sea surface, and position relative to the GPS satellite constellation. The GDR contain all relevant corrections needed to calculate the sea surface height. Sea surface height anomalies calculation and recommended data edit criteria are specified in the Jason-1 I/GDR User Handbook located at This is not the official format from the project and therefore is not validated.


This dataset was released on June 20, 2012.

The time range for this dataset is May 07, 2012 (16:00 PM) to June 21, 2013 (00:56 AM).

The spatial range for this dataset is -66.15° to 66.15° latitude, and 0° to 360° longitude. map (center)

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