dataset : Gridded Altimeter Fields with Enhanced Coastal Coverage

NASA JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center


Gridded Altimeter Fields with Enhanced Coastal Coverage

The Gridded Altimeter Fields with Enhanced Coastal Coverage data product contains Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHA or SLA) and zonal and meridional geostrophic velocities for the US west coast encompassing 35.25 deg-48.5 deg N latitude and 227.75 deg-248.5 deg E longitude. This annually updated data product extends from October 14, 1992 through November 4, 2009. SSHA and current velocities are derived from the AVISO quarter degree DT UPD MSLA version 3.0 grids, 0.75 deg and greater away from the coast. Values within 0.75 deg of the coast are derived from tide gauge observations and interpolated out to the altimeter filled region. Details on how these data are derived can be found in: Saraceno, M., P. T. Strub, and P. M. Kosro (2008), Estimates of sea surface height and near-surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C11013, doi:10.1029/2008JC004756.


This dataset was released on January 21, 2011.

The time range for this dataset is October 14, 1992 to April 18, 2012.

The spatial range for this dataset is 35.25° to 48.5° latitude, and 248.5° to 227.75° longitude. map (center)

This dataset uses data from an instance of the poseidon-2 instrument on the jason-1 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the poseidon-1 instrument on the topex-poseidon platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the poseidon-3 instrument on the jason-2 platform.

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