dataset : LBA-ECO CD-08 Tree Inventory Data, Ducke Reserve, Manaus, Brazil: 1999

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


LBA-ECO CD-08 Tree Inventory Data, Ducke Reserve, Manaus, Brazil: 1999

ABSTRACT: This data set includes in one data file the common names, base diameters, and calculated tree masses for almost 3,000 trees on a 5 hectare plot (20 x 2,500 m) located in the Ducke Reserve near Manaus, Brazil in the central Amazon. Measurements were taken during October-December 1999. All diameter measurements were taken at 1.3 meters in height (DBH), or above the buttresses or other stem anomalies. Forest structure characteristics such as biomass density, stem density, diameter class distribution, and taxonomic information at the family and perhaps genus level, can be derived from these data.

Identified by : CD08_TI_DUCKE

This dataset was released on January 01, 2009.

The time range for this dataset is October 01, 1999 to December 01, 1999.

The spatial range for this dataset is -2.95° to -2.95° latitude, and -59.95° to -59.95° longitude. map

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/910
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