dataset : SAFARI 2000 Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements, Hand-held Hazemeters, Zambia

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


SAFARI 2000 Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements, Hand-held Hazemeters, Zambia

ABSTRACT: Data presented in this database are the result of Hand Held 4-band Hazemeters and do not always satisfy to the high standards of quality associated with Automatic Sunphotometers.SAFARI 2000 data are available for the following local measurement sites: Alene_High_School; Chililabombwe; Forestry_Kaoma; Itezhi_Tezhi_Basic; Kafue_Hydrologic; Kalongola; Kananja_Chilanda; Kangaya_Basic; Kapiri_Basic; Kasalu_Basic_School; Kasapa_Basic_School; Kashinakaji_School;Kisasa_Basic; Kitima_Basic_School; Litoya; Livingstone_Met_Dpt; Lubu_Basic_Middle; Lukulu_basic; Lusaka_Met_HQ; Makotolo_School; Met_Kaoma; Miombe; Misamfu_Research; Mongu; Mwayasunka; Mwinilunga; Nalusanga_School; Ndola_Meteorology; Saluzhinka_Basic; Senanga; Shamputa_School; Shikoswe_Basic; Sichili_Primary; Sikufele_School; Sioma_Basic_School; Sitaka; St_Marys; St_Patrics; and Zambezi_Met_Office.Example of data file format:Site: Alene High School, Lat=-11.173000, Long=24.190000PI: Brent HolbenE-mail: brent@aeronet.gsfc.nasa.govt0: 09:08:2000, 00:00:00 Date, Time, Time_offset (days), AOT_1020, AOT_880, AOT_765, AOT_680, AOT_530, AOT_440, AOT_380, Water(cm), Air_Mass09:08:2000, 15:15:12, 0.635556, -100.000000, 1.621565, -100.000000, 1.606205, 1.528689, -100.000000, 0.234460, 0.000000, 3.99342109:08:2000, 15:17:04, 0.636863, -100.000000, 1.589651, -100.000000, 1.565860, 1.501361, -100.000000, 0.369358, 0.000000, 4.110902

Identified by : s2k_hazemeter

This dataset was released on January 01, 2004.

The time range for this dataset is June 01, 2000 to September 30, 2000.

The spatial range for this dataset is -18.7° to -7.69° latitude, and 21.55° to 34.45° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/708
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