dataset : VEMAP 2: U.S. Daily Climate, 1895-1993

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


VEMAP 2: U.S. Daily Climate, 1895-1993

ABSTRACT: The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) Phase 2 has developed a data set of ~100-year gridded monthly and daily time series of climate for the conterminous United States that includes realistic interannual variability. This data set has been used to compare time-dependent ecological responses of biogeochemical and coupled biogeochemical-biogeographical modesl to historical time series and projected scenarios of climate, atmospheric CO2, and N-Deposition, and N-Deposition


This dataset was released on January 01, 2001.

The time range for this dataset is January 01, 1895 to December 31, 1993.

The spatial range for this dataset is 25° to 49° latitude, and -124.5° to -67° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/620
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