dataset : MMR Calibration Data (FIFE)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


MMR Calibration Data (FIFE)

ABSTRACT: The MMR Calibration Data Set contains radiance data collected in the summer of 1987 and in July and August of 1989 via a Modular Multiband Radiometer (MMR) instrument. The MMR instrument monitored a nearly lambertian calibration panel stationed near the center of the FIFE study area. The radiances recorded from this instrument can be used to monitor solar insolation and clouds. In some cases, these data were also used to calculate the reflectance factor for reflective radiances measured over vegetation using other MMR instruments located at other FIFE sites or mounted on a helicopter.

Identified by : FIFE_MMR_CALB

This dataset was released on January 01, 1994.

The time range for this dataset is June 06, 1987 to August 11, 1989.

The spatial range for this dataset is 39.05° to 39.09° latitude, and -96.55° to -96.54° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/51
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