dataset : BOREAS AFM-03 Electra 1994 Aircraft Flux and Moving Window Data

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


BOREAS AFM-03 Electra 1994 Aircraft Flux and Moving Window Data

ABSTRACT: The BOREAS AFM-03 team used the NCAR Electra aircraft data to make measurements of the fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, carbon dioxide, and ozone over the entire BOREAS region to tie together measurements made in both the SSA and the NSA. These data were also used to study the planetary boundary layer using both in situ and remote sensing measurements. This data set contains both the aircraft flux and the moving window data.

Identified by : BOREAS_AFM3MW94

This dataset was released on January 01, 2000.

The time range for this dataset is May 24, 1994 to September 16, 1994.

The spatial range for this dataset is 53.42° to 56.25° latitude, and -106.32° to -97.23° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/495
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