--- access_dt: ~ aliases: - context: dataset lexicon: ornl term: oai:mercury-ops2.ornl.gov:ornldaac_416 url: http://mercury.ornl.gov/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dif&identifier=oai:mercury-ops2.ornl.gov:ornldaac_416 - context: dataset lexicon: ornl term: oai:mercury.ornl.gov:ornldaac_416 url: http://mercury.ornl.gov/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dif&identifier=oai:mercury.ornl.gov:ornldaac_416 attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ cited_by: [] contributors: - display_name: 'Data Archive : Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center ' href: id: 4097 organization: country_code: US display_name: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center identifier: oak-ridge-national-laboratory-distributed-active-archive-center name: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://daac.ornl.gov organization_uri: /organization/oak-ridge-national-laboratory-distributed-active-archive-center person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: data_archive uri: /contributor/4097 data_qualifier: ~ description: 'ABSTRACT: This database is a major update of the Leemans & Cramer database(Leemans & Cramer 1991). It currently contains monthly averages of mean temperature, temperature range, precipitation, rain days and sunshine hours for the terrestrial surface of the globe, gridded at 0.5 degree longitude/latitude resolution. It was generated from a large data base, using the partial thin-plate splining algorithm developed by Michael F. Hutchinson, Canberra(Hutchinson & Bischof 1983).' description_attribution: http://daac.ornl.gov//CLIMATE/guides/cramer_leemans.html display_name: 'Global 30-Year Mean Monthly Climatology, 1930-1960, V[ersion]. 2.1 (Cramer and Leeman' doi: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/416 end_time: 1960-12-31T00:00:00 files: [] href: identifier: nasa-ornldaac-416 instrument_measurements: [] lat_max: 90 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: 'Global 30-Year Mean Monthly Climatology, 1930-1960, V[ersion]. 2.1 (Cramer and Leeman' native_id: CRAMERLEEMANS parents: [] processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ references: [] release_dt: 1999-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1930-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: dataset uri: /dataset/nasa-ornldaac-416 url: http://daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/dsviewer.pl?ds_id=416 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~