dataset : BOREAS TF-11 CO2 and CH4 Flux Data from the SSA-Fen

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


BOREAS TF-11 CO2 and CH4 Flux Data from the SSA-Fen

ABSTRACT: The BOREAS TF-11 team collected several data sets in their efforts to fully describe the flux and site characteristics at the SSA-Fen site. This data set contains fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide at the SSA fen site measured using static chambers. The measurements were conducted as part of a 2x2 factorial experiment in which we added carbon (300 g m-2 as wheat straw) and nitrogen (6 g m-2 as urea) to four replicate locations in the vicinity of the TF-11 tower. In addition to siting and treatment variables, it reports air temperature and water table height relative to the average peat surface during each measurement. The data set covers the period from the first week of June 1994 through the second week of September, 1994.

Identified by : BOREAS_TF11FLUX

This dataset was released on January 01, 1999.

The time range for this dataset is June 08, 1994 to September 15, 1994.

The spatial range for this dataset is 53.8° to 53.8° latitude, and -104.62° to -104.62° longitude. map

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/371
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