dataset : Surface Flux Baseline 92 Derived (FIFE)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


Surface Flux Baseline 92 Derived (FIFE)

ABSTRACT: The FIFE Surface Flux Baseline 92 Derived Data Set was compiled from the original surface flux data collected during FIFE (i.e., no measurements were made specifically for this data set). This data set contains data collected from mid-May through mid-October, 1987 at 21 stations located within 19 sitegrids spread throughout the FIFE study area. For a description of the theory behind the original surface flux measurements see the documentation for each of the original surface flux data sets. Surface heat flux data routinely have erroneous jumps (i.e., spikes) in the latent and sensible heat flux time series in the early morning and evening hours due to small gradients in the measured data. A series of tests were developed to identify these spikes and flag them. Flux data obtained from Bowen ratio sites are also checked for energy imbalances. These data were also compared to model results. The consistency between these two methods is indicated in this data set.

Identified by : FIFE_SF_BL92

This dataset was released on January 01, 1994.

The time range for this dataset is May 14, 1987 to October 19, 1987.

The spatial range for this dataset is 38.98° to 39.11° latitude, and -96.61° to -96.45° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/121
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