dataset : LBA-ECO LC-09 Land Cover Transitions Maps for Study Sites in Para, Brazil: 1970-2001

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center


LBA-ECO LC-09 Land Cover Transitions Maps for Study Sites in Para, Brazil: 1970-2001

ABSTRACT: This data set includes classified land cover transition maps at 30-m resolution derived from Landsat TM, MSS, ETM+ imagery and aerial photos of Altamira, Santarem, and Ponta de Pedras, in the state of Para, Brazil. The Landsat images were classified into several types of land use (e.g., forest, secondary succession, pasture, annual crops, perennial crops, and water) and subjected to change detection analysis to create transition matrices of land cover change. Dates of acquired images represent the most cloud-free image retrievals from 1970-2001 for each site and are therefore not continuous. There are 3 GeoTIFF files (.tif) with this data set.


This dataset was released on January 01, 2012.

The time range for this dataset is January 01, 1985 to December 31, 2001.

The spatial range for this dataset is -4.5592° to -1.36° latitude, and -55.61° to -48.86° longitude. map (center)

This dataset uses data from an instance of the multispectral-scanner instrument on the landsat-5 platform.
This dataset uses data from an instance of the thematic-mapper instrument on the landsat-5 platform.
DOI : 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1098
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