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dataset : GLAS/ICESat L1A Global Atmosphere Data (HDF5)
National Snow & Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center
Also known as :
GLAS/ICESat L1A Global Atmosphere Data (HDF5)
GLAH02 Level-1A atmospheric data include the normalized relative backscatter for the 532 nm and 1064 nm channels, and low-level instrument corrections such as laser energy (1064 nm and 532 nm), photon coincidence (532 nm), and detector gain correction (1064 nm). Each data granule has an associated browse product.
Identified by : GLAH02
This dataset was released on March 07, 2013.
The time range for this dataset is February 20, 2003 to October 11, 2009.
The spatial range for this dataset is -86° to 86° latitude, and -180° to 180° longitude. map (center)
This dataset uses data from an instance of the geoscience-laser-altimeter-system instrument on the ice-cloud-and-land-elevation-satellite platform.DOI : 10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA102
Also known as :
- dataset oai:nsidc/GLAH02 (nsidc lexicon)
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