dataset : CLPX-Satellite: AVHRR/HRPT Brightness Temperatures and Reflectances

National Snow & Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center


CLPX-Satellite: AVHRR/HRPT Brightness Temperatures and Reflectances

This data set includes AVHRR/HRPT (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer/High Resolution Picture Transmission) brightness temperatures and reflectances over the NASA Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX) Large Regional Study Area (LRSA) (NW corner: 42°N, 108.5°W, SE corner: 38.5°N 104°W). Data are gridded to the LRSA at 1.1 km (or 30 arc-second) resolution. Data were collected between November 2001 and May 2003. Reflectance files contain flat binary rasters of 2-byte unsigned integers representing albedo. The brightness temperature files contain 2-byte unsigned integers representing interpolated temperatures in tenths of degrees Kelvin.

Identified by : NSIDC-0152

This dataset was released on February 01, 2004.

The time range for this dataset is November 09, 2001 to June 26, 2003.

The spatial range for this dataset is 38.45° to 42.05° latitude, and -108.55° to -103.95° longitude. map (center)

DOI : 10.5067/FCK3KVGQPH3O
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