dataset : MISR Near Real Time (NRT) Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data V001

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


MISR Near Real Time (NRT) Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data V001

This file contains Ellipsoid-projected TOA Radiance,resampled at the surface and topographically corrected, as well as geometrically corrected by PGE22. It is used for MISR Near Real Time processing, and is derived from session-based Level 0 input files. (Suggested Usage: MISR Near Real Time Level 2 TOA/Cloud retrievals require the radiances from all 9 cameras of MISR to be projected to a surface defined by the reference WGS84 ellipsoid.It is on this surface camera-to-camera stereo matching will be performed to determine cloud altitude. Topographic distortions are removed.Corrections due to errors in the supplied Navigation and attitude data are obtained during Terrain-projected parameter processing and are applied to these parameters.)

The time range for this dataset is December 18, 1999 to December 18, 2020.

The spatial range for this dataset is -90.0° to 90.0° latitude, and -180.0° to 180.0° longitude. map (center)

Also known as :
  • identifier ac16de50-e9dd-40af-9248-cbe189bccadf (datagov lexicon)
  • dataset misr-near-real-time-nrt-level-1b2-ellipsoid-data-v001 (datagov lexicon)
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