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dataset : NLDAS Forcing Data L4 Monthly 0.125 x 0.125 degree V001
NLDAS Forcing Data L4 Monthly 0.125 x 0.125 degree V001
This data set contains the forcing data for Phase 1 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-1). The data are in 1/8th degree grid spacing and range from Aug. 1996 to Dec. 2007. The temporal resolution is monthly. The file format is WMO GRIB-1. The NLDAS-1 monthly forcing data, containing 17 variables, are generated from the NLDAS-1 hourly forcing data. Brief description about the NLDAS-1 hourly forcing data can be found from the GCMD DIF for GES_DISC_NLDAS_FOR0125_H_V001 at http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/getdif.htm?GES_DISC_NLDAS_FOR0125_H_V001. The data set applies a user-defined parameter table to indicate the contents and parameter number. The GRIBTAB file (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/hydrology/grib_tabs/gribtab_NLDAS_FOR_monthly.001.txt) shows a list of parameters for this data set, along with their Product Definition Section (PDS) IDs and units. The variables, DLWRFsfc, DSWRFsfc, PRESsfc, SPFH2m, TMP2m, UGRD10m, and VGRD10m, are the monthly average from 00Z01 of month to 23:59Zlastdayofmonth. The variables, BRTMPsfc and CAPEsfc, are the monthly average from 00Z01 of month to 23:59Zlastdayofmonth, except if any hour has an undefined value of -9999, then do not include the hour in the monthly average. The variables, PARsfc and RGOESsfc, are the monthly average from 00Z01 of month to 23:59Zlastdayofmonth, except if any hour has an undefined value of -9999, then reassign the variable as zero and include the hour in the monthly average. The variables, ACPCPsfc, APCPsfc, PEDASsfc, and PRDARsfc, are the monthly accumulation from 00Z01 of month to 23:59Zlastdayofmonth. However, the ACPCPsfc is actually the sum of the (ACPCPsfc/PEDASsfc)*APCPsfc from each hour, where the ratio of (ACPCPsfc/PEDASsfc) is the fraction of convective precipitation from EDAS, and then multiplied by the APCPsfc to get the convective precipitation. For PRDARsfc accumulation, if hourly PRDARsfc is undefined or negative, fill the hour with a zero value. The last variable, RSWRFsfc, is the monthly average from 00Z01 of month to 23:59Zlastdayofmonth, except represents the monthly average of the hourly "blend" of the DSWRFsfc from EDAS and RGOESsfc from GEOS. The blend algorithm is that, for each hour, the RGOESsfc from GEOS is used for all the grid points where it is available, but for where it is not available, the DSWRFsfc from EDAS is used. Because the spatial extent/availability of GEOS varies from hour to hour, this blend is done for hourly data first, and then the monthly average is applied to the hourly blended data. This last variable thus best represents the shortwave radiation flux downwards at the surface that is used in the NLDAS-1 LSMs. More about this blending/supplementation can be found from http://ldas.gsfc.nasa.gov/nldas/NLDAS1forcing.php. For more information, please see the README Document at ftp://hydro1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/s4pa/NLDAS/README.NLDAS1.pdf.
The time range for this dataset is August 01, 1996 to December 31, 2007 (23:59 PM).
The spatial range for this dataset is 25.0° to 53.0° latitude, and -125.0° to -67.0° longitude. map (center)
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