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dataset : Fixed-Guideway Transit Stations (National) - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Transit (Stations)
DOT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Also known as :
Fixed-Guideway Transit Stations (National) - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Transit (Stations)
Version 2004 of the Fixed-Guideway Transit Network is a network database of the nation's fixed-guideway transit systems (NTAD 2015). The data set covers systems in cities defined as FTA's universe of cities and includes heavy rail, light rail, monorail, cable car, inclined plane, and automated guideway.
The spatial range for this dataset is 25.680243° to 47.9748° latitude, and -122.991273° to -70.62638° longitude. map (center)
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