dataset : TIGERweb 2010

U.S. Census Bureau


TIGERweb 2010

The TIGERweb application allows users to access and view geospatial features, geographic area information, and associated attributes from the U.S. Census Bureau Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System (TIGER) geodatabase. The TIGERweb is intended to meet the needs of users inside and outside the Census Bureau for access to geospatial data contained within the TIGER geodatabase without requiring the use of a GIS. The TIGERweb map layers are grouped by the following geographies: Transportation (Roads and Railroads), Tribal Census Tracts and Block Groups, Census Tracts and Blocks, Military Installations, School Districts, Places and County Subdivisions, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Areas, Legislative Areas, Census Regions and Divisions, Urban Areas - Census 2000, Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Related Statistical Areas, Hydrography, States and Counties. Labels are included for the map layers.

Also known as :
  • identifier 7e83005a-af0d-406f-ae46-65f8e80da172 (datagov lexicon)
  • dataset tigerweb-2010 (datagov lexicon)
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