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dataset : TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2014, Series Information for the Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) State-based Shapefiles
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2014, Series Information for the Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) State-based Shapefiles
Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANRCs) were created pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), which is federal legislation Pub. L. 92-203, 85 Stat. 688 (1971); 43 U.S.C. 1602 et seq. (2000)) enacted in 1971, as a 'Regional Corporation' and organized under the laws of the State of Alaska as "Regional Corporations" to conduct both the for profit and non profit affairs of Alaska Natives within defined regions of Alaska. Twelve ANRCs cover the entire State of Alaska except for the area within the Annette Island Reserve (an American Indian Reservation under the governmental authority of the Metlakatla Indian Community). There is a thirteenth ANRC that represents the eligible Alaska Natives living outside of Alaska that are not members of any of the twelve ANRCs within the State of Alaska. Because it has no defined geographic extent, this thirteenth ANRC does not appear in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles and the Census Bureau does not provide data for it. The Census Bureau offers representatives of the twelve ANRCs the opportunity to review and update the ANRC boundaries. ANRCs are represented by a 5 character FIPS code unique within Alaska and a nationally unique 8 character National Standard (GNIS) code.
The spatial range for this dataset is -14.601813° to 71.441059° latitude, and -179.231086° to 179.859681° longitude. map (center)
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