--- - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: "NCEP/NCAR Arctic Marine Rawinsonde Archive, available via ftp, contains 17,659 marine rawinsonde reports for the region north of 65 degrees North. Its record extends from 1976 to 1996. These soundings have been extracted from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) rawinsonde archive of the National Meteorological Center (NMC) (now the National Center for Environmental Prediction, or NCEP). The NCEP/NCAR Arctic Marine Rawinsonde Archive data set complements the Historical Arctic Rawinsonde Archive (HARA) for land stations and the Russian 'North Pole' drifting station archive." description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0008.html doi: 10.5067/MHUKO7CYF8EW end_time: 1996-06-30T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0054 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 65 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: NCEP/NCAR Arctic Marine Rawinsonde Archive native_id: NSIDC-0054 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1997-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1976-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0054 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0054 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) LMRF Arctic subset contains marine surface weather reports for the region north of 65 degrees N from ships, drifting ice stations, and buoys. COADS is the result of an ongoing project to assemble and reduce machine-readable portions of the available historical ocean-atmosphere record into a regular, compact, easy-to-use database. The COADS LMRF Arctic subset contains data collected over the years 1950 to 1995. The following parameters are included in this data set: air and sea temperature, cloudiness, humidity, and winds. The scientists assembling COADS have attempted to integrate all available digitized, directly sensed surface-marine data sets that would contribute information of reasonable quality. Most of the early data were gathered by ships-of-opportunity. More recent data also come from fixed research vessels, buoys, and other observing devices. Data archived at NSIDC is for the region North of 65 degrees N. for the years 1950-1995. Updates will be made available as they are received at NSIDC. The COADS LMRF Arctic subset consists of 46 data files (one for each year) which are in LMRF (Long Marine Report Fixed-Length, packed binary format), and has a total volume of approximately 201 MB UNIX compressed, and 632 MB uncompressed. The data are in the form of individual marine reports with a given latitude and longitude. A UNIX-based Fortran program is distributed with the data files.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/TLB86RYP2MRY end_time: 1995-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0057 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 65 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: 'Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) LMRF Arctic Subset' native_id: NSIDC-0057 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2006-01-21T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1950-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0057 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0057 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This archive of daily rawinsonde measurements of wind direction and speed, atmospheric pressure, humidity, air temperature, and geopotential height as well as surface-based observation of cloud cover (amount, type and height) from Soviet North Pole drifting stations was assembled under the direction of Dr. J. Kahl, with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the Electric Power Research Institute. Soundings were recorded from April 19, 1954 to July 31, 1990 at drifting stations located in the Arctic Ocean, north of approximately 70 degrees North. Data were obtained from several different sources. All of these data are ultimately derived from the set of bound volumes of handwritten tables kept at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St. Petersburg, Russia. Data are in 21 ASCII text format files with an average size of under 10 MB. The data are available via ftp.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/AH8D9CN70VN6 end_time: 1990-07-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0060 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 70 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Daily Arctic Ocean Rawinsonde Data from Soviet Drifting Ice Stations native_id: NSIDC-0060 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1997-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1954-04-19T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0060 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0060 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The total annual freezing and thawing indices are defined as the cumulative number of degree-days when air temperatures are below and above zero degrees Celsius. The total annual freezing index has been widely used to predict permafrost distribution; estimate the maximum thickness of sea, lake, and river ice, and the maximum depth of ground-frost penetration; and classify snow types. The annual total thawing index has been used to predict permafrost distribution and to estimate the maximum depth of thaw in frozen ground. Both total freezing and thawing indices are important parameters for engineering design in cold regions. Data coverage is global. The data set contains the total annual freezing and thawing indices with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees latitude by 0.5 degrees longitude. Two data files are available, for the freeze and thaw indices respectively, in flat binary format. Each file is approximately 1 MB in size. The total annual freezing and thawing indexes were calculated based upon the monthly mean air temperature by Legates and Willmott (1990).' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/TT6J3BH5YSSR end_time: ~ href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0063 lat_max: 90 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Global Annual Freezing and Thawing Indices native_id: NSIDC-0063 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1998-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: ~ temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0063 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0063 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The Tanana river in the Interior of Alaska usually freezes over during October and November. The ice continues to grow throughout the winter accumulating an average maximum thickness of about 110 cm, depending upon winter weather conditions. The Nenana Ice Classic competition began in 1917 when railroad engineers bet a total of 800 dollars, winner takes all, guessing the exact time (month, day, hour, minute) ice on the Tanana River would break up. Each year since then, Alaska residents have guessed at the timing of the river breakup. A tripod, connected to an on-shore clock with a string, is planted in two feet of river ice during river freeze-up in October or November. The following spring, the clock automatically stops when the tripod moves as the ice breaks up. The time on the clock is used as the river ice breakup time. Many factors influence the river ice breakup, such as air temperature, ice thickness, snow cover, wind, water temperature, and depth of water below the ice. Generally, the Tanana river ice breaks up in late April or early May (historically, April 20 to May 20). The time series of Tanana river ice breakup dates can be used to indicate climate change in the region.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/DURFYP131STS end_time: ~ href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0064 lat_max: 62 lat_min: 62 lon_max: -149 lon_min: -149 name: 'Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates' native_id: NSIDC-0064 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2011-09-29T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1917-04-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0064 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0064 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set is no longer available due to errors in the data. See the Error Sources section of the data set documentation for details. If you have further questions, please contact NSIDC User Services by e-mail or telephone at +1 303.492.6199. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 5 km EASE-Grid Composites are a collection of products for both poles, consisting of twice-daily calibrated and gridded satellite channel data and derived parameters. Data include five AVHRR channels, clear sky surface broadband albedo and skin temperature, solar zenith angle, satellite elevation angle, sun-satellite relative azimuth angle, surface type mask, cloud mask, and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of acquisition. AVHRR Polar Pathfinder data extend pole ward from 48.4 degrees north and 53.2 degrees south latitudes, from 24 July 1981 through 30 June 2005. Data are in 1-byte and 2-byte integer grid format and are available by FTP. Note: Due to a problem with the NOAA-16 scan motor, all the channel data is shifted sporadically between 2001 and 2005, causing the channels to contain data from another channel; thus, the derived parameters also contain errors during this time-period. See Table 12 in the Error Sources section of this document for specific dates.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/ease/index.html doi: 10.5067/HRMXN6PE1Q0Q end_time: 2005-06-30T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0066 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 48.4 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 5 km EASE-Grid Composites native_id: NSIDC-0066 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2000-09-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1981-07-24T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0066 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0066 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set consists of brightness temperatures acquired from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) on board the Nimbus-7 Pathfinder satellite. The brightness temperatures have been gridded onto the Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE-Grid) and are presented in three different projections: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and global. The SMMR EASE-Grid data were derived from SMMR brightness temperatures in swath format (level 1b data). Coverage is global, and data are available from 25 October 1978 through 20 August 1987. The spatial resolution is 25 km for all channels (6.6, 10.7, 18, 21, and 37 GHz for both vertical and horizontal polarizations). Both brightness temperatures and time files are provided for a given projection in flat binary format for each day. The brightness temperatures are provided in tenths of kelvins and the time files are in minutes since 0:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the date of the enclosing file. Data are available via FTP.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0036.html doi: 10.5067/36SLCSCZU7N6 end_time: 1987-08-20T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0071 lat_max: 90 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Nimbus-7 SMMR Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures native_id: NSIDC-0071 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2000-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1978-10-25T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0071 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0071 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The Antarctic atlas consists of 28 digital elevation maps which cover all of Antarctica north of 72.1 degrees south at a resolution of three kilometers. Each map contains surface elevations and coordinates for one atlas page covering 16 degrees of longitude. Data were acquired by the Geodetic Satellite (GEOSAT) Geodetic Mission (GM) from March 1985 through September 1986 and are available in both Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and in latitude and longitude coordinates. Data were mapped using the UTM projection in atlas form to decrease the distortion that usually occurs at the poles. Many features of the Antarctic Ice Sheet are shown in more detail than in previous digital elevation models, especially along the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. A geostatistical mapping technique (Herzfeld et al. 1993) improved the accuracy of surface elevations compared to previous GEOSAT elevation data sets. This atlas will facilitate the monitoring of changes in surface elevation that could indicate mass changes in the Antarctic Ice Sheet.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/dems/index.html doi: 10.5067/8SH7MO0Z9589 end_time: 1986-09-30T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0075 lat_max: -65 lat_min: -72 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: GEOSAT Radar Altimeter DEM Atlas of Antarctica North of 72.1 degrees South native_id: NSIDC-0075 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1999-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1985-04-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0075 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0075 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set provides a digital elevation model (DEM) for Antarctica to 81.5 degrees south latitude, at a resolution of 5 km. Approximately twenty million data points were used to generate this data set. Data points were derived from ERS-1 radar altimetry during the geodetic phase from March 1994 to May 1995. The improved density in coverage and resolution, compared with past satellite altimetry missions, provides better detection of topographic detail such as surface undulations, ice streams, grounding zones, and interstream ridges. DEM data are in a polar stereographic projection with the origin at the south pole, and are referenced to the OSU91A geoid. The ERS-1 satellite radar altimeter measurements are highly useful for determining precise ice sheet elevations in Antarctica. The orthometric heights derived from the ERS-1 data contribute to a more accurate and complete mapping of the Antarctic Ice Sheets than previously possible, and therefore to ongoing studies of ice mass balance studies in Antarctica. The DEM is provided as a single ASCII text file, accessible by ftp. Data access is unrestricted, but we recommend that users register with us. Registered users automatically receive e-mail notification of product updates and changes to processing.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/dems/index.html doi: 10.5067/BZVCEDZWUTCH end_time: 1995-05-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0076 lat_max: -65 lat_min: -81 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Antarctic 5-km Digital Elevation Model from ERS-1 Altimetry native_id: NSIDC-0076 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2000-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1994-03-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0076 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0076 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The Nimbus-5 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) data set consists of gridded brightness temperature arrays for the Arctic and Antarctic, spanning 11 December 1972 through 16 May 1977. The data were gridded to a polar stereographic projection at 25 km resolution and adjusted to partially remove instrument drift and sensitivity shifts. The ESMR instrument senses horizontally polarized radiation at a frequency of 19 GHz. Daily data that could not be adjusted are missing from this updated data set. Data are in 2-byte integer flat-binary format, and are available via FTP.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/CIRAYZROIYF9 end_time: 1977-05-16T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0077 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 50 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Nimbus-5 ESMR Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures native_id: NSIDC-0077 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1999-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1972-12-11T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0077 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0077 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: "This sea ice concentration data set was derived using measurements from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) on the Nimbus-7 satellite and from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) sensors on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's (DMSP) -F8, -F11, and -F13 satellites. Measurements from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) aboard DMSP-F17 are also included. The data set has been generated using the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) Bootstrap Algorithm with daily varying tie-points. Daily (every other day prior to July 1987) and monthly data are available for both the north and south polar regions. Data are gridded on the SSM/I polar stereographic grid (25 x 25 km) and provided in two-byte integer format. Data are available via FTP." description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0051.html doi: 10.5067/J6JQLS9EJ5HU end_time: 2014-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0079 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 30 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS native_id: NSIDC-0079 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2000-02-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1978-10-26T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0079 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0079 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: " The Near-Real-Time DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperature product provides near-real-time brightness temperatures for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. These brightness temperatures are used to generate the Near-Real-Time DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations. Near-real-time passive microwave brightness temperatures are received daily from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F17 satellite, and are gridded onto the SSM/I polar stereographic grid. The SSMIS instrument is the next generation Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) instrument. SSMIS data used for this data set are received from the Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Two-byte scaled integer data are available via FTP at a resolution of 25 km for the 19, 22, and 37 GHz channels, and at 12.5 km resolution for the 85 and 91 GHz channels. NSIDC plans daily updates to the data. These data will be retained on the FTP site until NSIDC's standard brightness temperature product, DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures, is available." description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0081.html doi: 10.5067/AKQDND71ZDLF end_time: ~ href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0080 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 60 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Near-Real-Time DMSP SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures native_id: NSIDC-0080 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1999-12-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: ~ temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0080 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0080 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: " This data set provides a near-real-time (NRT) map of sea ice concentrations for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The near-real-time passive microwave brightness temperature data are acquired with the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F17 satellite. The SSMIS instrument is the next generation Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) instrument. SSMIS data are received daily from the Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and are gridded onto a polar stereographic grid. Investigators generate sea ice concentrations from these data using the NASA Team algorithm. These data are stored as one-byte flat scaled binary arrays with one byte per pixel, at a resolution of 25 km. For each data file, a corresponding PNG image file is provided. These data are available via FTP for the most recent three to six months and are retained on the FTP site until NSIDC's Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data (preliminary data) become available for the same time period. These data are primarily meant to provide a best estimate of current ice and snow conditions based on information and algorithms available at the time the data are acquired. Near-real-time products are not intended for operational use in assessing sea ice conditions for navigation and should be used with caution in extending the sea ice time series in NSIDC's Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data." description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0051.html doi: 10.5067/U8C09DWVX9LM end_time: 2015-08-17T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0081 lat_max: -39.23 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Near-Real-Time DMSP SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations native_id: NSIDC-0081 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 1999-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0081 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0081 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The high-resolution Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMP) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) combines topographic data from a variety of sources to provide consistent coverage of all of Antarctica. Version 2 improves upon the original version by incorporating new topographic data, error corrections, extended coverage, and other modifications. The DEM incorporates topographic data from satellite radar altimetry, airborne radar surveys, the recently-updated Antarctic Digital Database (version 2), and large-scale topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Australian Antarctic Division. Data were collected between the 1940s and present, with most collected during the 1980s and 1990s. Although the RAMP DEM was created to aid in processing RAMP radar data, it does not utilize any RAMP radar data. The 1 km, 400 m, and 200 m DEM data are provided in ARC/INFO and binary grid formats, and the 1 km and 400 m DEMs are also available in ASCII format. Data access is unrestricted, but users should register to receive e-mail notification of product updates and changes in processing.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/dems/ doi: 10.5067/PXKC81A7WAXD end_time: 1999-01-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0082 lat_max: -60 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project Digital Elevation Model Version 2 native_id: NSIDC-0082 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2001-10-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1940-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0082 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0082 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB), through participating research organizations in various countries, maintains a network of drifting buoys in the Antarctic sea ice zone to support a better understanding of sea ice motion, meteorology, and oceanography. The IPAB Antarctic Drifting Buoy Data archive, presently spanning the years 1995 to 1998, includes measurements of buoy position, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, and sea surface temperature. Data are organized by daily and three-hour averages and the raw, instantaneous, non-interpolated data values. Data were collected from buoys initially deployed in three study regions: East Antarctica; the Weddell Sea; and the Bellingshausen, Amundsen, and Ross Seas. Data are in ASCII text format and are available by ftp. Data updates will become available as data are processed and new buoys are deployed.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/HGLHWEO3764N end_time: ~ href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0084 lat_max: -57 lat_min: -76 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: IPAB Antarctic Drifting Buoy Data native_id: NSIDC-0084 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2001-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1995-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0084 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0084 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'A Digital Elevation Model (DEM), ice thickness grid, and bedrock elevation grid of Greenland acquired as part of the PARCA program are available in ASCII text format at a 5 km grid spacing in a polar stereographic projection. DEM data are a combination of ERS-1 and Geosat satellite radar altimetry data, Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) data, and photogrammetric digital height data. Ice thickness data are based on approximately 700,000 data points collected in the 1990s from a University of Kansas airborne ice penetrating radar (IPR). Nearly 30,000 data points were collected in the 1970s from a Technical University of Denmark (TUD) airborne echo sounder. Bamber subtracted the ice thickness grid from the DEM to produce a grid of bedrock elevation values. Applications include studies of gravitational driving stress and ice volume (mass balance) of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Each of the three grids is approximately 1.5 MB. Data are available via FTP. Data access is unrestricted, but we recommend that users register with us. Registered users automatically receive e-mail notification of product updates and changes to processing.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/dems/index.html doi: 10.5067/01A10Z9BM7KP end_time: 1970-12-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0092 lat_max: 84 lat_min: 60 lon_max: -15 lon_min: -72 name: 'Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids' native_id: NSIDC-0092 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2001-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1970-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0092 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0092 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set is no longer available because of errors in the data. See the Error Sources section of the data set documentation for details. If you have further questions, please contact NSIDC User Services by e-mail at nsidc@nsidc.org or telephone at +1 303.492.6199. The AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Composites are a collection of products for both poles, consisting of twice-daily gridded and calibrated satellite channel data and derived parameters. Data include five Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) channels, clear sky surface broadband albedo and skin temperature, average albedo and temperature, valid fraction file, solar zenith angle, satellite elevation angle, sun-satellite relative azimuth angle, surface type mask, cloud mask, cloud fraction files, and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of acquisition. The 25 km data are derived from the AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 5 km EASE-Grid Composites, and extend poleward from 48.4 degrees north and 53.2 degrees south latitudes, spanning July 1981 through December 2000. Data are in 1-byte and 2-byte integer grid format and are available by FTP. Note: NSIDC reccommends the use of the Extended AVHRR Polar Pathfinder (APP-x) Product instead of our AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Composites. The APP-x 25 km product has albedo and temperature calculations for all sky conditions. Cloud properties are modeled to estimate the albedo and temperature under the clouds. An improved cloud detection algorithm is also used in the APP-x product.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/ease/ doi: 10.5067/HQ0AYEDLYUYJ end_time: 2000-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0094 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 48.4 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Twice-Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Composites native_id: NSIDC-0094 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2002-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1981-07-24T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0094 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0094 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'PARCA began in 1993 with the primary goal of measuring and understanding the mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Approximately 25 investigations used in situ measurements and satellite and aircraft remote sensing to study this issue. Measurements include surface elevation and ice thickness change rates from aircraft laser altimetry, shallow to intermediate ice cores (for average accumulation rates and their temporal and spatial variability), velocity around the ice-sheet perimeter at an elevation of about 2000 meters, local ice thickening/thinning rates, and climatological observations from automatic weather stations. Satellite data used include elevation change from radar altimetry; mapping of snow facies and zones of summer melt from passive and active microwave; ice velocities from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and from repeat high-resolution visible and SAR imagery; mapping surface and 10-m temperatures, accumulation rates, and surface albedo from microwave and AVHRR data. Data are available either by FTP or through investigator Web sites. Questions about investigator data should be directed to the individual technical contacts responsible for each data set. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) provides summaries and links to these data as a service to our users.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/8MDF9CWTSW67 end_time: ~ href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0095 lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ name: Program for Arctic Regional Climate Assessment (PARCA) Data Sets native_id: NSIDC-0095 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2003-05-14T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: ~ temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0095 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0095 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'In 1997, the Canadian RADARSAT-1 satellite was rotated in orbit so that its Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) antenna looked south towards Antarctica. This permitted the first high-resolution mapping of the entire continent of Antarctica. In 18 days, the satellite acquired a complete coverage of radar image swaths as part of the first Antarctic Mapping Mission (AMM-1). Swath images were assembled into an image mosaic depicting the entire continent at 25 m resolution. The mosaic provides a detailed look at ice sheet morphology, rock outcrops, research infrastructure, the coastline, and other features of Antarctica, as well as representing calibrated radar backscatter data, which may provide insight into climate processes affecting the upper few meters of snow cover. Data are available via FTP, and are offered in a variety of formats. A series of approximately 90 image tiles covers the entire continent at 25 m resolution, and single mosaic images derived from these tiles cover the continent at resolutions ranging from 125 m to 1 km. The single images provide good detail in convenient image formats. The tile products preserve the highest resolution of spatial detail, and retain the quantitative measure of backscatter intensity, but are necessarily large files that require assembly by the user.' description_attribution: http://nsidc.org/data/ramp/index.html doi: 10.5067/8AF4ZRPULS4H end_time: 1997-10-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0103 lat_max: -60 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: RAMP AMM-1 SAR Image Mosaic of Antarctica native_id: NSIDC-0103 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1997-09-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0103 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0103 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'This data set includes yearly snow melt onset dates over Arctic sea ice derived from brightness temperatures from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I), and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS). The introduction of liquid water to snow results in a sharp increase in the emissivity and hence brightness temperature of the snowpack. Snow melt onset is defined as the point in time when microwave brightness temperatures increase sharply due to the presence of liquid water in the snowpack. Data span the years 1979 through 2012 and are in a polar stereographic grid at 25 km resolution. Flat binary, 1-byte integer files and GIF images are accessible via FTP. Several value-added products are also available. Value-added data sets include the following for each pixel: mean melt onset date; latest (maximum) melt onset date; earliest (minimum) melt onset date; range of melt onset dates (the difference between maximum and minimum -- an index of variability); and standard deviation of melt onset date (another index of variability). Graphical representations of value-added data are also available.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/22NFZL42RMUO end_time: 2012-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0105 lat_max: 90 lat_min: 30 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Snow Melt Onset Over Arctic Sea Ice from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS Brightness Temperatures native_id: NSIDC-0105 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2014-04-11T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1979-01-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0105 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0105 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'Daily ice motion vectors are computed from a wide variety of sensors ranging from passive microwave radiometers, such as the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), to International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) buoy data. Daily gridded fields combine data from all sensors, from November 1978 through December 2012. Grids extend from 48.4° N to 90° N, and from 53.2° S to 90° S. Mean gridded fields include yearly, monthly, and weekly means, and a mean for the entire time series. Both daily and mean gridded fields are in 2-byte integer format, reprojected to 25 km Northern and Southern Hemisphere EASE-Grids. Browse images of mean fields are available in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and Postscript (PS) formats. Raw ice motion vectors from each sensor are in tab-delimited ASCII text format. The complete data set is available via FTP.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/LHAKY495NL2T end_time: 2012-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0116 lat_max: -53.2028 lat_min: -90 lon_max: 180 lon_min: -180 name: Polar Pathfinder Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Sea Ice Motion Vectors native_id: NSIDC-0116 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2013-11-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1978-10-25T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0116 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0116 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: 'The Declassified Intelligence Satellite Photographs (DISP) Yearly Satellite Photographic Mosaics of Greenland are composites of black-and-white photographs of Greenland taken from American satellites in 1962 and 1963. The mosaics provide details of ice sheet morphology, glaciers, rock outcrops, the coastline, and other features. The image mosaics are useful for comparing the extent and internal configuration of the Greenland ice sheet with current satellite data. The data set consists of one tagged image file (.TIF) for each year. The mosaic images are available via FTP. The files are large-- the 1962 mosaic image dimensions are 17,092 by 28,484 pixels and the file size is 464.3 MB. The 1963 image dimensions are 17,792 by 27,805 pixels and the file size is 471.8 MB.' description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/RPK99U1963E1 end_time: 1963-10-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0118 lat_max: 84 lat_min: 58 lon_max: -10 lon_min: -75 name: DISP Yearly Satellite Photographic Mosaics of Greenland 1962-1963 native_id: NSIDC-0118 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2002-01-01T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 1962-05-15T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0118 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0118 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: "This work is part of the Soil Moisture Experiment (SMEX) project. This data set provides data from various sensors on the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) station number 2031, located near Ames, Iowa, USA. The data include: hourly and daily recordings of precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, relative humidity, soil moisture, and soil temperature. The station houses numerous sensors that automatically record data. Sensors include: global precipitation sensor, thermistor, thin film capacitance-type sensor, anemometer, pyranometer, pressure sensor, and a frequency-shift dielectric measuring device. Units of measurement vary, depending on the type of sensor. Data are uploaded by meteor burst telemetry to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Data Processing Center in Portland, Oregon. The NRCS has been operating this SCAN station since 23 September 2001, but this data set covers only the time period of interest to the Soil Moisture Experiments 2002 (SMEX02) campaign, 1 June 2002 through 31 August 2002. Data are available via FTP in two text files, one for hourly data, the other for daily data. These data were collected as part of a validation study for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E). AMSR-E is a mission instrument launched aboard NASA's Aqua Satellite on 04 May 2002. AMSR-E validation studies linked to SMEX are designed to evaluate the accuracy of AMSR-E soil moisture data. Specific validation objectives include assessing and refining soil moisture algorithm performance; verifying soil moisture estimation accuracy; investigating the effects of vegetation, surface temperature, topography, and soil texture on soil moisture accuracy; and determining the regions that are useful for AMSR-E soil moisture measurements." description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/Z0HKNKTVBXM0 end_time: 2002-08-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0142 lat_max: 42.1 lat_min: 42.1 lon_max: -93.85 lon_min: -93.85 name: 'SMEX02 Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) Station 2031, Ames, Iowa' native_id: NSIDC-0142 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2003-07-30T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 2002-06-01T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0142 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0142 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~ - access_dt: ~ attributes: ~ cite_metadata: ~ data_qualifier: ~ description: "This data set combines data for several parameters measured for the Soil Moisture Experiment 2002 (SMEX02). The parameters include bulk density, gravimetric and volumetric soil moisture, and surface and subsurface soil temperature. This study was conducted during June and July 2002 in the Walnut Creek watershed in south-central Iowa, USA. Data were collected in crop fields, using a variety of methods and sensors (manual soil samples for bulk density and gravimetric soil moisture data, infrared pyrometers for surface and subsurface soil temperature, and impedance probes for volumetric soil moisture). Data are provided in ASCII text files, and are available via FTP. These data were collected as part of a validation study for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E). AMSR-E is a mission instrument launched aboard NASA's Aqua Satellite on 04 May 2002. AMSR-E validation studies linked to SMEX are designed to evaluate the accuracy of AMSR-E soil moisture data. Specific validation objectives include assessing and refining soil moisture algorithm performance; verifying soil moisture estimation accuracy; investigating the effects of vegetation, surface temperature, topography, and soil texture on soil moisture accuracy; and determining the regions that are useful for AMSR-E soil moisture measurements." description_attribution: ~ doi: 10.5067/OAO4SU0XZLGR end_time: 2002-07-12T00:00:00 href: identifier: nasa-nsidcdaac-0143 lat_max: 42.7 lat_min: 41.7 lon_max: -93.2 lon_min: -93.8 name: 'SMEX02 Watershed Soil Moisture Data, Walnut Creek, Iowa' native_id: NSIDC-0143 processing_level: ~ publication_year: ~ release_dt: 2003-07-30T00:00:00 scale: ~ scope: ~ spatial_extent: ~ spatial_ref_sys: ~ spatial_res: ~ start_time: 2002-06-23T00:00:00 temporal_extent: ~ temporal_resolution: ~ type: ~ uri: /dataset/nasa-nsidcdaac-0143 url: http://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0143 variables: ~ version: ~ vertical_extent: ~