
identifier isbn title number_of_pages Files
4fdffcd0-ef9b-4306-975d-f2998c36481d 9781555916428 Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery 216
5128c9a6-b498-4c34-b037-ab9b75af8611 978-0615267340 The Economic and Market Value of Coasts and Estuaries: What's At Stake? 152
5255ed9a-29d0-4ae5-aad4-227e5536ac2d 978-0-415-52499-5 Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Policy in a Rapidly Changing World 336
5314bca2-8377-461a-b802-2008f547c2a2 9780123847195 Encyclopedia of Biodiversity  
534c1876-3591-462e-a3e8-bdb4f5be658b 978-1-60876-153-1 Meltdown: Climate Change, Natural Disasters and other Catastrophes - Fears and Concerns for the Future 430
5375603f-4ca2-4165-a1ec-e0079b16078a 978-94-007-0114-4 Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem in Transition 552
57713152-0a69-41ce-aa58-f495b7aad5c3 978-0-471-72018-8 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change. 2nd ed. 1232
57f19421-b5ea-41cb-9764-e7d5572ed463   Engaging Stakeholders in Urban Climate Adaptation: Early Lessons from Early Adapters 52
58156695-3a4f-400f-9096-7e189b67cd32 9780745641287 Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century: Resilience and Transformation 224
58594dc2-005e-4581-bbfe-6d75d1e8d5c8 978-1-4200-7856-5 Social Vulnerability to Disasters 392
5a4eba14-6610-497f-8507-bdaff1cf73dc 978-1607320548 Implementing the Endangered Species Act on the Platte Basin Water Commons 528
5b008dc7-5774-4d0f-88e8-54663c2cc95a 0521591406 Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience 476
5d49b656-7c2b-4057-b999-3172369b97e7 9780028657493 Major Acts of Congress. Includes Indian General Allotment Act (Dawes Act) (1887) 1178
5e295ebc-a6ff-4e30-a1ee-8e275202336e   The Epidemiology and Control of Malaria 201
5e3b5313-71b5-49e9-9590-67f16a9a6f67 978-94-007-2549-2 Restoring Lands - Coordinating Science, Politics and Action: Complexities of Climate and Governance 538
60656eb4-3ca6-44f6-b63a-d76ef7fe82ef 978-1462516179 Handbook of PTSD, Second Edition: Science and Practice 718
60e92a8d-3928-4566-8c78-8f065abd95ac 9781780641645 Invasive Species and Global Climate Change 368
6220f91e-8478-44bf-be9f-e0df6bcf1e6e 978-1853837005 Risk, Media and Stigma: Understanding Public Challenges to Modern Science and Technology 399
64c0429d-0187-4d7c-9e3a-efb183737277 978-2-8317-1290-1 Building Resilience to Climate Change: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Lessons From the Field 164
64ca6609-9c68-4f91-b499-84f25cf21348 9780470960967 Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment 528