
identifier Title journal
mmwr-mm6032a5 Notice to readers: Final 2010 Reports of Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
mmwr-mm6132a8 Notice to readers: Final 2011 Reports of Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
older-people-climate-change-vulnerability-health-effects Older people and climate change: Vulnerability and health effects Generations
paralytic-shellfish-toxins-puget-sound-washington-state Paralytic shellfish toxins in Puget Sound, Washington state Journal of Shellfish Research
patterns-of-longterm-balsam-woolly-adelgid-infestations-and-effects-in-oregon-and-washington Patterns of long-term balsam woolly adelgid infestations and effects in Oregon and Washington Western Journal of Applied Forestry
place-attachment-of-ngi-te-ahi-to-hairini-marae Place attachment of Ngāi Te Ahi to Hairini Marae MAI Review
planning-for-climate-change-in-the-inland-empire-southern-california Planning for climate change in the Inland Empire: Southern California Water Resources IMPACT
pmc-10757487 Relationships among weather, mosquito abundance, and encephalitis virus activity in California: Kern County 1990-98 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
pmc-11544154 The burden of air pollution: Impacts among racial minorities Environmental Health Perspectives
pmc-117098 Heat wave: First, protect the vulnerable Canadian Medical Association Journal
pmc-1240549 Climate change and mosquito-borne disease: Knowing the horse before hitching the cart Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties
pmc-124090 Increasing habitat suitability in the United States for the tick that transmits Lyme disease: A remote sensing approach Environmental Health Perspectives
pmc-1241146 U.S. drinking water challenges in the twenty-first century Environmental Health Perspectives
pmc-1241200 Hazardous air pollutants and asthma Environmental Health Perspectives
pmc-12952800 Relation between income, air pollution and mortality: A cohort study Canadian Medical Association Journal
pmc-1446167 The effects of race/ethnicity and income on early childhood asthma prevalence and health care use American Journal of Public Health
pmc-1497795 Blackout of 2003: Health effects and emergency responses Public Health Reports
pmc-15173410 Arctic indigenous peoples experience the nutrition transition with changing dietary patterns and obesity The Journal of Nutrition
pmc-15583503 The course of PTSD, major depression, substance abuse, and somatization after a natural disaster The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
pmc-1566351 Public health consequences of global climate change in the United States: Some regions may suffer disproportionately Environmental Hazards