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article : workshop-approach-for-developing-climate-change-adaptation-strategies-and-actions-for-natural-resource-management-agencies-in-the-united-states
Workshop approach for developing climate change adaptation strategies and actions for natural resource management agencies in the United States
- Authors
- Jessica E. Halofsky University of Washington (Seattle Campus) , US Forest Service Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab
- David L. Peterson US Forest Service Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab
- Michael J. Furniss U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
- Constance I. Millar U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
- Ronald P. Neilson US Forest Service Corvallis Forestry Laboratory
- Linda Joyce U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Cited by chapter 8,finding 8.5, and nca3. (reference: 32610191)
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