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article : 10.1890/120275
The added complications of climate change: understanding and managing biodiversity and ecosystems
- Authors
- Amanda Staudt National Wildlife Federation
- Allison K. Leidner American Association for the Advancement of Science Science & Technology Policy Fellow , National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Science Division
- Jennifer Howard American Association for the Advancement of Science Science & Technology Policy Fellow , National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Kate A. Brauman University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
- Jeffrey Dukes Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources , Purdue University Department of Biological Sciences
- Lara J. Hansen EcoAdapt
- Craig Paukert U.S. Geological Survey , Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit
- John L. Sabo Arizona State University
- Luis A Solórzano Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
DOI : 10.1890/120275
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