--- cited_by: [] contributors: - display_name: 'Author : Katharine S. Law (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) ' href: id: 18611 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie identifier: universit-pierre-et-marie-curie name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.upmc.fr/en/ organization_uri: /organization/universit-pierre-et-marie-curie person: display_name: Katharine S. Law first_name: Katharine S. id: 10894 last_name: Law middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10894 person_uri: /person/10894 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18611 - display_name: 'Author : Katharine S. Law (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales) ' href: id: 18612 organization: country_code: FR display_name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' identifier: laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.latmos.ipsl.fr/index.php/en/ organization_uri: /organization/laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales person: display_name: Katharine S. Law first_name: Katharine S. id: 10894 last_name: Law middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10894 person_uri: /person/10894 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18612 - display_name: "Author : Katharine S. Law (Institut National des Sciences de l'univers) " href: id: 18619 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers identifier: institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ organization_uri: /organization/institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers person: display_name: Katharine S. Law first_name: Katharine S. id: 10894 last_name: Law middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10894 person_uri: /person/10894 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18619 - display_name: 'Author : Andreas Stohl (Norweigan Institute for Air Research) ' href: id: 18607 organization: country_code: NO display_name: Norweigan Institute for Air Research identifier: norweigan-institute-air-research name: Norweigan Institute for Air Research organization_type_identifier: non-profit type: organization url: http://www.nilu.no/Forsiden/tabid/41/language/en-GB/Default.aspx organization_uri: /organization/norweigan-institute-air-research person: display_name: Andreas Stohl first_name: Andreas id: 10893 last_name: Stohl middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0002-2524-5755 type: person url: http://zardoz.nilu.no/~andreas/ person_id: 10893 person_uri: /person/10893 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18607 - display_name: 'Author : Patricia K. Quinn (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) ' href: id: 18599 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory identifier: pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov organization_uri: /organization/pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory person: display_name: Patricia K. Quinn first_name: Patricia K. id: 10881 last_name: Quinn middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/scientist/dr-patricia-k-quinn person_id: 10881 person_uri: /person/10881 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18599 - display_name: 'Author : Charles A. Brock (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory) ' href: id: 18600 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory identifier: earth-system-research-laboratory name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov organization_uri: /organization/earth-system-research-laboratory person: display_name: Charles A. Brock first_name: Charles A. id: 10882 last_name: Brock middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0002-4033-4668 type: person url: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/staff/charles.a.brock/ person_id: 10882 person_uri: /person/10882 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18600 - display_name: 'Author : John F. Burkhart (University of Oslo) ' href: id: 18601 organization: country_code: NO display_name: University of Oslo identifier: university-oslo name: University of Oslo organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: https://www.uio.no/english/ organization_uri: /organization/university-oslo person: display_name: John F. Burkhart first_name: John F. id: 10883 last_name: Burkhart middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0002-5587-1693 type: person url: http://www.mn.uio.no/geo/english/people/aca/geohyd/johnbur/index.html person_id: 10883 person_uri: /person/10883 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18601 - display_name: "Author : Jean-Daniel Paris (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement) " href: id: 18602 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement identifier: laboratoire-des-sciences-du-climat-et-de-lenvironnement name: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.lsce.ipsl.fr/en/ organization_uri: /organization/laboratoire-des-sciences-du-climat-et-de-lenvironnement person: display_name: Jean-Daniel Paris first_name: Jean-Daniel id: 10884 last_name: Paris middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.lsce.ipsl.fr/Phocea/Pisp/index.php?nom=jean-daniel.paris person_id: 10884 person_uri: /person/10884 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18602 - display_name: 'Author : Gerard Ancellet (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) ' href: id: 18613 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie identifier: universit-pierre-et-marie-curie name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.upmc.fr/en/ organization_uri: /organization/universit-pierre-et-marie-curie person: display_name: Gerard Ancellet first_name: Gerard id: 10892 last_name: Ancellet middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10892 person_uri: /person/10892 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18613 - display_name: 'Author : Gerard Ancellet (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales) ' href: id: 18614 organization: country_code: FR display_name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' identifier: laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.latmos.ipsl.fr/index.php/en/ organization_uri: /organization/laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales person: display_name: Gerard Ancellet first_name: Gerard id: 10892 last_name: Ancellet middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10892 person_uri: /person/10892 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18614 - display_name: "Author : Gerard Ancellet (Institut National des Sciences de l'univers) " href: id: 18620 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers identifier: institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ organization_uri: /organization/institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers person: display_name: Gerard Ancellet first_name: Gerard id: 10892 last_name: Ancellet middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10892 person_uri: /person/10892 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18620 - display_name: 'Author : Hanwant B. Singh (NASA Ames Research Center) ' href: id: 18603 organization: country_code: US display_name: NASA Ames Research Center identifier: ames-research-center name: NASA Ames Research Center organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/about/overview.html organization_uri: /organization/ames-research-center person: display_name: Hanwant B. Singh first_name: Hanwant B. id: 10885 last_name: Singh middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://earthscience.arc.nasa.gov/singh/content/Dr_Hanwant_B_Singh person_id: 10885 person_uri: /person/10885 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18603 - display_name: 'Author : Anke Roiger (Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre) ' href: id: 18608 organization: country_code: DE display_name: Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre identifier: institut-fur-physik-der-atmosphare name: Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.dlr.de/pa/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2350/3476_read-5207 organization_uri: /organization/institut-fur-physik-der-atmosphare person: display_name: Anke Roiger first_name: Anke id: 10890 last_name: Roiger middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.dlr.de/pa/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2357/3477_read-8783/sortby-lastname/ person_id: 10890 person_uri: /person/10890 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18608 - display_name: 'Author : Hans Schlager (Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre) ' href: id: 18609 organization: country_code: DE display_name: Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre identifier: institut-fur-physik-der-atmosphare name: Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.dlr.de/pa/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2350/3476_read-5207 organization_uri: /organization/institut-fur-physik-der-atmosphare person: display_name: Hans Schlager first_name: Hans id: 10891 last_name: Schlager middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.dlr.de/pa/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2357/3477_read-1183/sortby-lastname/ person_id: 10891 person_uri: /person/10891 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18609 - display_name: 'Author : Jack Dibb (University of New Hampshire) ' href: id: 18604 organization: country_code: US display_name: University of New Hampshire identifier: university-new-hampshire name: University of New Hampshire organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.unh.edu organization_uri: /organization/university-new-hampshire person: display_name: Jack Dibb first_name: Jack id: 10886 last_name: Dibb middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0003-3096-7709 type: person url: http://www.eos.sr.unh.edu/Faculty/Dibb person_id: 10886 person_uri: /person/10886 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18604 - display_name: 'Author : Daniel J. Jacob (Harvard University) ' href: id: 18605 organization: country_code: US display_name: Harvard University identifier: harvard-university name: Harvard University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.harvard.edu organization_uri: /organization/harvard-university person: display_name: Daniel J. Jacob first_name: Daniel J. id: 3865 last_name: Jacob middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/ person_id: 3865 person_uri: /person/3865 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18605 - display_name: 'Author : Steve R. Arnold (University of Leeds Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science) ' href: id: 18606 organization: country_code: UK display_name: University of Leeds Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science identifier: university-leeds-institute-climate-atmospheric-science name: University of Leeds Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/icas/ organization_uri: /organization/university-leeds-institute-climate-atmospheric-science person: display_name: Steve R. Arnold first_name: Steve R. id: 10887 last_name: Arnold middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/people/s.arnold person_id: 10887 person_uri: /person/10887 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18606 - display_name: 'Author : Jacque Pelon (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) ' href: id: 18615 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie identifier: universit-pierre-et-marie-curie name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.upmc.fr/en/ organization_uri: /organization/universit-pierre-et-marie-curie person: display_name: Jacque Pelon first_name: Jacque id: 10888 last_name: Pelon middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/calipso/team/Jacques_Pelon_prt.htm person_id: 10888 person_uri: /person/10888 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18615 - display_name: 'Author : Jacque Pelon (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales) ' href: id: 18616 organization: country_code: FR display_name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' identifier: laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.latmos.ipsl.fr/index.php/en/ organization_uri: /organization/laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales person: display_name: Jacque Pelon first_name: Jacque id: 10888 last_name: Pelon middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/calipso/team/Jacques_Pelon_prt.htm person_id: 10888 person_uri: /person/10888 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18616 - display_name: "Author : Jacque Pelon (Institut National des Sciences de l'univers) " href: id: 18621 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers identifier: institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ organization_uri: /organization/institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers person: display_name: Jacque Pelon first_name: Jacque id: 10888 last_name: Pelon middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/calipso/team/Jacques_Pelon_prt.htm person_id: 10888 person_uri: /person/10888 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18621 - display_name: 'Author : Jennie L. Thomas (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) ' href: id: 18617 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie identifier: universit-pierre-et-marie-curie name: Université Pierre et Marie Curie organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.upmc.fr/en/ organization_uri: /organization/universit-pierre-et-marie-curie person: display_name: Jennie L. Thomas first_name: Jennie L. id: 10889 last_name: Thomas middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://thomas.page.latmos.ipsl.fr/ person_id: 10889 person_uri: /person/10889 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18617 - display_name: 'Author : Jennie L. Thomas (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales) ' href: id: 18618 organization: country_code: FR display_name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' identifier: laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales name: 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.latmos.ipsl.fr/index.php/en/ organization_uri: /organization/laboratoire-atmospheres-milieux-observations-spatiales person: display_name: Jennie L. Thomas first_name: Jennie L. id: 10889 last_name: Thomas middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://thomas.page.latmos.ipsl.fr/ person_id: 10889 person_uri: /person/10889 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18618 - display_name: "Author : Jennie L. Thomas (Institut National des Sciences de l'univers) " href: id: 18622 organization: country_code: FR display_name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers identifier: institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers name: Institut National des Sciences de l'univers organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ organization_uri: /organization/institu-national-des-sciences-de-lunivers person: display_name: Jennie L. Thomas first_name: Jennie L. id: 10889 last_name: Thomas middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://thomas.page.latmos.ipsl.fr/ person_id: 10889 person_uri: /person/10889 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/18622 description: ~ display_name: 'Arctic Air Pollution: New Insights From POLARCAT-I PY' doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00017.1 files: [] href: identifier: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00017.1 journal_identifier: bulletin-american-meteorological-society journal_pages: 1873–1895 journal_vol: 95 notes: ~ parents: [] references: [] title: 'Arctic Air Pollution: New Insights From POLARCAT-I PY' type: article uri: /article/10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00017.1 url: ~ year: 2014