article : 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00066.1

Monitoring and Understanding Changes in Heat Waves, Cold Waves, Floods, and Droughts in the United States: State of Knowledge


Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society volume 94 pages 821-834

DOI : 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00066.1

Cited by chapter 2,chapter 33,figure 2.12,figure 3.5,finding 2.5,finding 2.7,finding 18.5,chapter 18,finding 2.1,finding 2.2,finding 2.3,finding 2.4,finding 2.8,finding 2.11,finding 2.6,finding 2.12,finding 2.10,finding 2.9,chapter 3,figure 2.21, and nca3. (reference: e15600d0)

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