--- cited_by: - publication: /report/nca3/chapter/oceans-marine-resources publication_type: chapter reference: /reference/3b17cf9b-5120-4ef2-a25c-6d31bf3d9ff9 - publication: /report/nca3 publication_type: report reference: /reference/3b17cf9b-5120-4ef2-a25c-6d31bf3d9ff9 contributors: - display_name: 'Author : Christopher L. Sabine (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) ' href: id: 2567 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory identifier: pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov organization_uri: /organization/pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory person: display_name: Christopher L. Sabine first_name: Christopher L. id: 1547 last_name: Sabine middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: 'http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/story/Christopher+L.+Sabine,+Ph.D.' person_id: 1547 person_uri: /person/1547 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/2567 - display_name: 'Author : Richard Feely (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) ' href: id: 14856 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory identifier: pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov organization_uri: /organization/pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory person: display_name: Richard Feely first_name: Richard id: 1038 last_name: Feely middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: 'http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/story/Richard++A.+Feely,+Ph.D.' person_id: 1038 person_uri: /person/1038 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/14856 - display_name: 'Author : Nicolas Gruber (University of California, Los Angeles Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics) ' href: id: 17498 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'University of California, Los Angeles Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics' identifier: university-california-los-angeles-institute-geophysics-planetary-physics name: 'University of California, Los Angeles Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/history_organization.php organization_uri: /organization/university-california-los-angeles-institute-geophysics-planetary-physics person: display_name: Nicolas Gruber first_name: Nicolas id: 5597 last_name: Gruber middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0002-2085-2310 type: person url: http://www.up.ethz.ch/people/ngruber person_id: 5597 person_uri: /person/5597 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17498 - display_name: 'Author : Nicolas Gruber (University of California, Los Angeles Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) ' href: id: 17504 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'University of California, Los Angeles Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences' identifier: university-california-los-angeles-department-atmospheric-oceanic-sciences name: 'University of California, Los Angeles Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences' organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: https://www.atmos.ucla.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/university-california-los-angeles-department-atmospheric-oceanic-sciences person: display_name: Nicolas Gruber first_name: Nicolas id: 5597 last_name: Gruber middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0002-2085-2310 type: person url: http://www.up.ethz.ch/people/ngruber person_id: 5597 person_uri: /person/5597 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17504 - display_name: 'Author : Robert M. Key (Princeton University Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) ' href: id: 17499 organization: country_code: US display_name: Princeton University Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences identifier: princeton-university-program-atmospheric-oceanic-sciences name: Princeton University Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: https://www.princeton.edu/aos/ organization_uri: /organization/princeton-university-program-atmospheric-oceanic-sciences person: display_name: Robert M. Key first_name: Robert M. id: 5583 last_name: Key middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://www.princeton.edu/aos/people/research_staff/robert-key/index.xml person_id: 5583 person_uri: /person/5583 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17499 - display_name: 'Author : Kitack Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology) ' href: id: 17500 organization: country_code: KR display_name: Pohang University of Science and Technology identifier: pohang-university-science-technology name: Pohang University of Science and Technology organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.postech.ac.kr/ organization_uri: /organization/pohang-university-science-technology person: display_name: Kitack Lee first_name: Kitack id: 10727 last_name: Lee middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://wwwhome.postech.ac.kr/html/portlet/ext/person/popup.jsp?sLocale=en&pernr=00020449&orgeh=00041000&prefLocale=en person_id: 10727 person_uri: /person/10727 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17500 - display_name: 'Author : John L. Bullister (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) ' href: id: 17501 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory identifier: pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory name: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov organization_uri: /organization/pacific-marine-environmental-laboratory person: display_name: John L. Bullister first_name: John L. id: 10728 last_name: Bullister middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/scientist/dr-john-bullister person_id: 10728 person_uri: /person/10728 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17501 - display_name: 'Author : Rik Wanninkhof (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ) ' href: id: 17492 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ' identifier: atlantic-oceanographic-meteorological-laboratory name: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ' organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/atlantic-oceanographic-meteorological-laboratory person: display_name: Rik Wanninkhof first_name: Rik id: 5269 last_name: Wanninkhof middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://oceanacidification.noaa.gov/AboutUs/Leadership.aspx person_id: 5269 person_uri: /person/5269 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17492 - display_name: 'Author : Chi-Shing Wong (Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences) ' href: id: 17628 organization: country_code: CA display_name: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences identifier: fisheries-oceans-canada-institute-ocean-sciences name: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/facilities-installations/ios-ism/index-eng.html organization_uri: /organization/fisheries-oceans-canada-institute-ocean-sciences person: display_name: Chi-Shing Wong first_name: Chi-Shing id: 10747 last_name: Wong middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sdb-bds/profile-profil.do?id=737&lang=eng person_id: 10747 person_uri: /person/10747 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17628 - display_name: 'Author : Douglas W. R. Wallace (Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschafte, an der Universität Kiel) ' href: id: 17626 organization: country_code: DE display_name: 'Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschafte, an der Universität Kiel' identifier: leibniz-institut-fur-meereswissenschafte-an-der-universitat-kiel name: 'Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschafte, an der Universität Kiel' organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.geomar.de/en organization_uri: /organization/leibniz-institut-fur-meereswissenschafte-an-der-universitat-kiel person: display_name: Douglas W. R. Wallace first_name: Douglas W. R. id: 10745 last_name: Wallace middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10745 person_uri: /person/10745 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17626 - display_name: 'Author : Bronte Tilbrook (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Marine Research) ' href: id: 17623 organization: country_code: AU display_name: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Marine Research identifier: commonwealth-scientific-industrial-research-organisation-marine-research name: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Marine Research organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: ~ organization_uri: /organization/commonwealth-scientific-industrial-research-organisation-marine-research person: display_name: Bronte Tilbrook first_name: Bronte id: 10744 last_name: Tilbrook middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-9385-3827 type: person url: http://acecrc.org.au/people/dr-bronte-tilbrook/ person_id: 10744 person_uri: /person/10744 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17623 - display_name: 'Author : Bronte Tilbrook (Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre) ' href: id: 17624 organization: country_code: AU display_name: Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre identifier: antarctic-climate-ecosystems-cooperative-research-centre name: Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://acecrc.org.au/ organization_uri: /organization/antarctic-climate-ecosystems-cooperative-research-centre person: display_name: Bronte Tilbrook first_name: Bronte id: 10744 last_name: Tilbrook middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-9385-3827 type: person url: http://acecrc.org.au/people/dr-bronte-tilbrook/ person_id: 10744 person_uri: /person/10744 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17624 - display_name: 'Author : Frank J. Millero (University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences) ' href: id: 17490 organization: country_code: US display_name: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences identifier: university-miami-rosentiel-school-marine-atmospheric-sciences name: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.rsmas.miami.edu organization_uri: /organization/university-miami-rosentiel-school-marine-atmospheric-sciences person: display_name: Frank J. Millero first_name: Frank J. id: 5267 last_name: Millero middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://www.rsmas.miami.edu/people/faculty-index/?p=frank-millero person_id: 5267 person_uri: /person/5267 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17490 - display_name: 'Author : Tsung-Hung Peng (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ) ' href: id: 17502 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ' identifier: atlantic-oceanographic-meteorological-laboratory name: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory ' organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/atlantic-oceanographic-meteorological-laboratory person: display_name: Tsung-Hung Peng first_name: Tsung-Hung id: 10729 last_name: Peng middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/oceans/peng.html person_id: 10729 person_uri: /person/10729 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17502 - display_name: 'Author : Alexander Kozyr (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center) ' href: id: 17503 organization: country_code: US display_name: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center identifier: carbon-dioxide-information-analysis-center name: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/carbon-dioxide-information-analysis-center person: display_name: Alexander Kozyr first_name: Alexander id: 10730 last_name: Kozyr middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://climatechangescience.ornl.gov/content/alexander-kozyr person_id: 10730 person_uri: /person/10730 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17503 - display_name: 'Author : Tsueno Ono (Frontier Research Center for Global Change) ' href: id: 17621 organization: country_code: JP display_name: Frontier Research Center for Global Change identifier: frontier-research-center-global-change name: Frontier Research Center for Global Change organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frsgc/eng/ organization_uri: /organization/frontier-research-center-global-change person: display_name: Tsueno Ono first_name: Tsueno id: 10743 last_name: Ono middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10743 person_uri: /person/10743 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17621 - display_name: 'Author : Tsueno Ono (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Research Institute for Global Change) ' href: id: 17622 organization: country_code: JP display_name: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Research Institute for Global Change identifier: japan-agency-marine-earth-science-technology-institute-global-change name: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Research Institute for Global Change organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/rigc/e/ organization_uri: /organization/japan-agency-marine-earth-science-technology-institute-global-change person: display_name: Tsueno Ono first_name: Tsueno id: 10743 last_name: Ono middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10743 person_uri: /person/10743 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17622 - display_name: 'Author : Aida F. Rios (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas) ' href: id: 17627 organization: country_code: ES display_name: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas identifier: instituto-de-investigaciones-marinas name: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas organization_type_identifier: research type: organization url: http://www.iim.csic.es/ organization_uri: /organization/instituto-de-investigaciones-marinas person: display_name: Aida F. Rios first_name: Aida F. id: 10746 last_name: Rios middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.iim.csic.es/inicio2/-/contenido/5c8e351d-eba0-47e4-9a0c-d88697a226b1 person_id: 10746 person_uri: /person/10746 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/17627 description: ~ display_name: The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2 doi: 10.1126/science.1097403 files: [] href: identifier: 10.1126/science.1097403 journal_identifier: science journal_pages: 367-371 journal_vol: 305 notes: ~ parents: - display_name: 'NCA3 Chapter 24: Oceans and Marine Resources' reference: /reference/3b17cf9b-5120-4ef2-a25c-6d31bf3d9ff9 relationship: cito:isCitedBy uri: /report/nca3/chapter/oceans-marine-resources - display_name: 'Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment' reference: /reference/3b17cf9b-5120-4ef2-a25c-6d31bf3d9ff9 relationship: cito:isCitedBy uri: /report/nca3 references: [] title: The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2 type: article uri: /article/10.1126/science.1097403 url: ~ year: 2004