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article : 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014038
Deep carbon reductions in California require electrification and integration across economic sectors
- Authors
- Max Wei Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Department
- James H. Nelson University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group
- Jeffery B. Greenblatt Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Department
- Ana Mileva University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group
- Josiah Johnston University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group
- Michael Ting Itron, Inc
- Christopher Yang University of California, Davis Institute of Transportation Studies
- Chris Jones University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group
- James E. McMahon Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Department
- Daniel M. Kammen University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources Group , Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy
- Funding Agency
DOI : 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014038
Cited by chapter 20,chapter 4,figure 20.3, and nca3. (reference: 0733dc3f)
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