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article : 10.1038/nature13376
Contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual variability of the global carbon cycle
- Authors
- Benjamin Poulter Montana Institute on Ecosystems , Montana State University Department of Ecology , Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
- David Frank Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research-WSL , Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
- Philippe Ciais Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
- Ranga B. Myneni Boston University Department of Earth & Environment
- Niels Andela VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
- Jian Bi Boston University Department of Earth & Environment
- Gregoire Broquet Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
- Josep G. Canadell Global Carbon Project , Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation Marine and Atmospheric Research
- Frédéric Chevallier Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
- Yi Y. Liu Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science , University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre
- Steven Running University of Montana Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences
- Stephen Sitch University of Exeter College of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics
- Guido R. van der Werf VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
DOI : 10.1038/nature13376
- 1 report cites this article : usgcrp-ocpfy2016.
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