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article : 10.1038/nature11118
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity loss as a major driver of ecosystem change
- Authors
- David U. Hooper Western Washington University Department of Biology
- E. Carol Adair National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis , The University of Vermont Rubenstein School of the Environment and Natural Resources
- Bradley J. Cardinale University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment
- Andrew Gonzalez McGill University Department of Biology
- J. Emmett Duffy Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Lars Gamfeldt University of Gothenburg Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Mary I. OâConnor National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis , University of British Columbia Department of Zoology
- Kristin Matulich University of California, Irvine Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Jarrett Byrnes National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
- Bruce A. Hungate Northern Arizona University Department of Biological Sciences
DOI : 10.1038/nature11118
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