article : 10.1038/nature08823

The next generation of scenarios for climate change research and assessment


Nature volume 463 pages 747-756

DOI : 10.1038/nature08823

This article is cited by chapter usgcrp-need-options-subnational-scale-land-use-land-cover-scenarios-united-states chapter 1 : Introduction: Land-use and land-cover scenarios and their uses .
This article is cited by chapter usgcrp-need-options-subnational-scale-land-use-land-cover-scenarios-united-states chapter 2 : Defining user needs .
This article is cited by Need and Options for Subnational Scale Land-Use and Land-Cover Scenarios for the United States .

Cited by chapter 27,chapter 26,chapter 35,finding 27.2, and nca3. (references: 896c96d7, f15c9312)

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