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article : 10.1007/s10533-012-9788-y
The interactive effects of excess reactive nitrogen and climate change on aquatic ecosystems and water resources of the United States
- Authors
- Jill S. Baron United States Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center , Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
- Ed K. Hall United States Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center , Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
- Bernard T. Nolan US Geological Survey National Research Program
- Jacques Finlay University of Minnesota Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
- Emily Bernhardt Duke University Department of Biology
- John A. Harrison Washington State University Vancouver School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Francis Chan Oregon State University Department of Zoology
- Elizabeth W. Boyer The Pennsylvania State University School of Forest Resources
DOI : 10.1007/s10533-012-9788-y
Cited by chapter 15,chapter 3,finding 15.1,finding 15.3, and nca3. (reference: 7bb29bb1)
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