array : d9ef91c8-9fe7-4823-bd4b-9d2d5a052f15

Identifier : d9ef91c8-9fe7-4823-bd4b-9d2d5a052f15
Rows : 44
Columns : 1
Rows in header : 1

This array is part of this table : 27.1: Sample Federal Mitigation Measures

Sample Federal Mitigation Measures
Greenhouse Gas Regulations
Emissions Standards for Vehicles and Engines
-- For light-duty vehicles, rules establishing standards for 2012-2016 model years and 2017-2025 model years.
-- For heavy- and medium-duty trucks, a rule establishing standards for 2014-2018 model years.
Carbon Pollution Standard for New Power Plants
-- A proposed rule setting limits on CO2 emissions from future power plants.
Stationary Source Permitting
-- A rule setting greenhouse gas emissions thresholds to define when permits under the New Source Review Prevention of
Significant Deterioration and Title V Operating Permit programs are required for new and modified industrial facilities.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
-- A program requiring annual reporting of greenhouse gas data from large emission sources and suppliers of products that emit
greenhouse gases when released or combusted.
Other Rules and Regulations with Climate Co-Benefits
Oil and Natural Gas Air Pollution Standards
-- A rule revising New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for certain
components of the oil and natural gas industry.
Mobile Source Control Programs
-- Particle control regulations affecting mobile sources (especially diesel engines) that reduce black carbon by controlling direct
particle emissions.
-- The requirement to blend increasing volumes of renewable fuels.
National Forest Planning
-- Identification and evaluation of information relevant to a baseline assessment of carbon stocks.
-- Reporting of net carbon stock changes on forestland.
Standards and Subsidies
Appliance and Building Efficiency Standards
-- Energy efficiency standards and test procedures for residential, commercial, industrial, lighting, and plumbing products.
-- Model residential and commercial building energy codes, and technical assistance to state and local governments, and nongovernmental
Financial Incentives for Efficiency and Alternative Fuels and Technology
-- Weatherization assistance for low-income households, tax incentives for commercial and residential buildings and efficient
appliances, and support for state and local efficiency programs.
-- Tax credits for biodiesel and advanced biofuel production, alternative fuel infrastructure, and purchase of electric vehicles.
-- Loan guarantees for innovative energy or advanced technology vehicle production and manufacturing; investment and production
tax credits for renewable energy.
Funding of Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment
-- Programs on clean fuels, energy end-use and infrastructure, CO2 capture and storage, and agricultural practices.
Federal Agency Practices and Procurement
-- Executive orders and federal statutes requiring federal agencies to reduce building energy and resource consumption intensity and to procure alternative fuel vehicles.
-- Agency-initiated programs in most departments oriented to lowering energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
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