_:genid1 ""^^ . _:genid2 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 "Output: \r\nTwo images in NASA’s MODIS Rapid Response System\r\n1. http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Canada.A2002188.1635.2km.jpg\r\n2. http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=EastCoast.A2002188.1635.1km.jpg\r\n\r\nInput:\r\n1. ftp://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/allData/5/MOD021KM/2002/188/MOD021KM.A2002188.1630.005.2010086033800.hdf \r\n2. ftp://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/allData/5/MOD021KM/2002/188/MOD021KM.A2002188.1635.005.2010086033902.hdf. \r\n\r\nMethod: \r\nThe two input images are processed to corrected reflectance images by a process described in the document https://earthdata.nasa.gov/files/MODIS_True_Color.pdf. Also, to generate the two images on the Rapid Response System, the two corresponding granules of the MODIS fire product are overlaid. When the images were generated in 2002, a system at the University of Maryland was being used for the MODIS fire products. That system used an algorithm identical to the one used for the MODIS product MOD14 (Thermal Anomalies - Fires and Biomass Burning) which is currently available from Land Processes (LP) DAAC (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/). The two granules can be obtained from LP DAAC using the links: http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov//MODIS_Dailies_C/MOLT/MOD14.005/2002.07.07/MOD14.A2002188.1630.005.2011273181127.hdf and http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov//MODIS_Dailies_C/MOLT/MOD14.005/2002.07.07/MOD14.A2002188.1635.005.2011273181055.hdf."^^ . _:genid4 . _:genid4 _:genid2 . _:genid4 _:genid3 . "nca3-wildfire-smoke-widespread-health-effects-activity-2" . _:genid1 . _:genid4 . . . . . .