_:genid1 ""^^ . _:genid2 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 "Input: \r\nSeaWiFS dataset from NASA Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center (OB.DAAC - http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/cms/ ), Level 2 granule found through http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi/browse.pl with Search Criteria shown below:\r\n\r\n - Time Period: Thursday, 23 September 1999 (daytime) \r\n - Sensors: SeaWiFS\r\n - SeaWiFS Data Types: MLAC\r\n - Area of Interest: region bounded by 40.2N and 38.5N and 70.8W and 69.0W\r\n\r\nRearranged the satellite image and two graphs.\r\nSubset was extracted to cover the area of interest (Pamlico Sound) and geometrically corrected"^^ . _:genid4 . _:genid4 _:genid2 . _:genid4 _:genid3 . "nca3-aftermath-hurricanes-activity-1" . _:genid1 . _:genid4 . . . .