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activity : a40895b4-create-image-flooding_hurricane_irene-process
Two MODIS Aqua dataset MYD021KM input granules were mosaicked and subseted to extract the desired area to display the region covered by Hurricane Irene. The following two inputs were used. 1. MODIS Aqua dataset MYD021KM granule MYD021KM.A2011240.1750.006.2012076212937.hdf (August 28, 2011, 17:50 UTC) ftp://ladsftp.nascom.nasa.gov/allData/6/MYD021KM/2011/240/MYD021KM.A2011240.1750.006.2012076212937.hdf 2. MODIS Aqua dataset MYD021KM granule MYD021KM.A2011240.1755.006.2012076211459.hdf (August 28, 2011, 17:55 UTC) ftp://ladsftp.nascom.nasa.gov/allData/6/MYD021KM/2011/240/MYD021KM.A2011240.1755.006.2012076211459.hdf The GCMD landing page for MODIS Aqua dataset MYD021KM: http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Metadata.do?Portal=lance&EntryId=MYD021KM&MetadataView=Full
This activity resulted in the following :
- figure 16.3: Flooding and Hurricane Irene was derived from Tropical Cyclone Report (AL092011): Hurricane Irene
- image a40895b4-9e23-4fc6-a476-c4eb9dc1efd1 was derived from dataset MODIS/AQUA Calibrated Radiances L1B Swath 1km (Collection 006)
Notes : There is no image on earthobservatory or MODIS Rapid Response System that matched the image in the figure. The image might have existed in the MODIS Rapid Response System in 2011, but is part of the data that was lost due to a disk crash in 2013. It has not been restored, and may be restored when MODIS Collection 6 processing is completed.
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