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activity : 285adb75-nca3-mlost-process
Global temperature trends for 1979-2012 are plotted on a map. Grid points with statistically significant data are marked with a plus sign.
The mean temperature for the period 1961-1990 was added to the global average annual temperature anomalies to get the annual temperature time series. For each grid point, the temperature trend for the period 1979-2012 was calculated and plotted on a map (as degrees per decade). The statistical significance was then calculated, and where trends were significant at the 2-tailed 10% significance level those grid points were indicated by a plus sign.
mlost.gridded.v3.5.3.201303.asc read_lsatsst_fields.pro calculate_trends_and_significance.pro ltr_olsdofrnan.pro monanom2ann.pro isenough4trend.pro tinv.pro make_trend_map.pro LSATSST_trend_maps.ps APP_temperature trends_V6.png
This activity resulted in the following :
- image 285adb75-5a6c-4009-b2a6-338508d21707 was derived from dataset NOAA Merged Land-Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (MLOST)
Computing environment : Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64)
Software used : IDL (version 8.0)
Visualization software used : IDL (version 8.0)
Notes : IDL
Alternatives : JSON YAML Turtle N-Triples JSON Triples RDF+XML RDF+JSON Graphviz SVG